Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church - The church that seeks God's more excellent way! 1 Cor 13

A Multi-Generational Church

Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church has a history that spans over 100 years. From our early beginnings in 1918, meeting in a home in Winston-Salem, to current day, where our church body continues to adapt, grow, and thrive. Time and space will not allow us to identify everyone who has, over the last 100 years, dedicated their services to the spiritual success of this entity. The families and friends who have labored in the vineyard and left a legacy of love, loyalty and sacrifice. Every breath is sealed in these walls. Memories tease the corners of our minds.

By the grace and mercy of God we are still here. He has been our dwelling place through all generations.

We invite you to explore the rich timeline of our church's history, and become a part of living history by participating in spiritually enriching activities with Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church, the church that seeks God's more excellent way!

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