Morning Star has many ministries available for you to be involved in. From helping in the children's ministry to greeting newcomers as they arrive at the front doors, serving at Morning Star is a great way to help make this church your home and deepen your relationship with Christ.
Audio/Video Ministry
Trustee Chad Simmons
Bereavement Ministry
Reverend Parthenia Galloway
Reverend Clara Goode
Deacon Thaddeous McCollum
Brotherhood Ministry
Reverend Dr. Dennis Leach, Sr.
Christian Development
Christian Education
Sister Deborah Smith
Counseling Ministry
Reverend Clara Goode
Deaconess Ministry
Deaconess Veronica Hughes
Golden Ages Ministry
Sister Edna Smith
Health Promotion Ministry
Reverend Dr. Charolette Leach
Hospitality Ministry
Sister Rhonda Caviness
Intercessory Prayer Ministry
Reverend Shirley Timmons
Missionary Ministry
Sister Otelia Boyd
Music Ministry
Deacon Thaddeous McCollum
New Members Ministry
Sister Cassandra Caldwell
Outreach Ministry
Deacon Eric Montgomery
Deaconess Twanda Montgomery
Pastor's Aid Ministry
Sister Sylvia Brown
Publicity Ministry
Trustee Bobby Witherspoon
Security Ministry
Trustee Jerry Isom
Spiritual Support
Sister Roslyn Lentz
Sunday School
Deacon Herman Cuthrell
Adult Superintendent
Reverend Shirley Timmons
Youth Superintendent
Transportation Ministry
Trustee Chad Simmons
Ushers Ministry
Deacon Ernest Salley
Women's Ministry
Reverend Parthenia Galloway
Youth Ministry
Deaconess Joy Dodd
Trustee Bobby Witherspoon
Reverend Dr. Dennis Leach, Sr.
Deacon James Timmons - Chair
Trustee Chad Simmons - Chair
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